Hotel Aschenwald



Make yourself a picture of our guest house here at Westendorf in in the Kitzbüheler Alps and browse through our picture gallery with a few snapshots from our house! See the most beautiful pictures, which were taken during memorable hiking tours with our hotel guests and marvel at the numerous guest honors, see also pictures which we got from you-thanks!

Pictures of the Gasthof Aschenwald

Pictures of the Gasthof Aschenwald
Pictures of the Gasthof Aschenwald

Our Gasthof - furnished with meticulous attention to detail, I look around a bit and you feel right at home!

Movies tell you more than...

Movies tell you more than...
Movies tell you more than...

Sit back and relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Kitzbüheler Alps, with all your amazing impressions.

Pictures of Biking

Pictures of Biking
Pictures of Biking

Biking with us in the beautiful Tyrolean mountains. We show you the best bike routes, the most impressive views and the most beautiful peaks!

Kitzbüheler Alpen

Urlaub in Tirol, die schönste und erholsamste Zeit im Jahr, die ganze Familie fiebert darauf hin und schwelgt schon lange Zeit bevor es losgeht in traumhaften Vorstellungen!

WandernLaufenRad und MTB